N.O.L.Y is the auto-tuned demon of an orientalist’s nightmares. With a delivery that’s simultaneously syrupy and gravelly, he’s been steadily amassing an impressive body of work with Wild$tyle Records and is soon to go overground in East Asia’s trap scene. As one-half of YoungQueenz’s “Dragon Town” project, N.O.L.Y has performed everywhere from Shanghai, Taiwan, Chengdu all the way to cities in Europe such as London, Paris, and Toulouse, including shows such as the annual French music festival LES SIESTES ELECTRONIQUES, Clockenflap Music Festival, NTS Radio x Adidas Crew 2 Crew, AYO! Festival, etc. Having released his recent singles “荊棘ALIENEGRA” and “Disco 505”, the artiste is ready to release his first solo album this summer.