Elliott and Arthur kick off “Grains of Wisdom” – a new show pairing sake and music in a symphonic experience for the senses.With regular guest appearances by cultural contributors from all walks of life, GoW is a showcase of sake’s diversity and relevance.
Expect an introduction to the world of sake, banter between personalities who combine their own knowledge and experience to bring colohr and contrast but most of all: expect a good time!
For the first episode, they’re joined by actress Bernice Liu and chef Matt Abergel as the crew all bring in a vinyl to share over 3 bottles of sake from breweries Jozan, Hakugakusen and Banshu Ikkon, all of which have been matured in Mizunara Oak for refined characteristics.
For the second episode, Elliot and Arthur see a reoccurring guest, Michelin Matty who’s always down for more sake, but even more banter. This time the trio sample the Sake Central X Kazuma Shuzo ‘NOTO 88’ Junmai Muroka Nama Genshu bottle.